CIRCé (for Creativity and Innovation Research Center) is the most recent component of NaDI. It was born in 2015 to join the competences of 5 academics from different disciplines (sociology, management, marketing, design thinking and information technology) around the topics of innovation and creativity management.
Research Description
The members of CIRCé share the common goal to better understand creativity and innovation dynamics and their contribution to sustainability and resilience, at the level of individuals, organisations or territories. Through their research, the members of CIRCé aim at providing recommendations to organisations and policy-makers concerning innovation and creativity, to make them contribute as much as possible to our current and future challenges. This includes the sustainable and digital transitions.
Research domains and application fields
During the last five years, the members of CIRCé have developed research projects in the following axes:
- Tools and methods for creativity ;
- Collaborative and participatory innovation ;
- Innovation ecosystems and (digital and sustainable) transitions.
Those axes have been supported by two important FEDER projects: Namur Innovative City Lab (in particular, the development of Namur Creative Hub, TRAKK) and Wal-ecities.
To those 3 central axes, we can add an emerging research axis in entrepreneurship, oriented towards new types of entrepreneurship. This axis is shared with two members of IRDENA institute, Sophie Pondeville and Julie Solbreux.
Contact: Annick Castiaux